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Future Work

For future work, we have many things planned for our application.

First, we want to implement Brandeis’ SSO (single sign on) API, to ensure that all of the users using the application are in fact actual Brandeis users. This would help prevent non-brandeis users from having access to the app, where some personal information (such as names, graduation years, and emails) are stored.

We also want to implement real-time chat functionality, such as the ability to send someone a message and then it immediately pops up on the recipient’s sceen. This would basically be similar to implementing the “direct message” feature found in other popular applications such as Instagram or Twitter.

We also want to add the ability for users to create personalized profile pages, and even upload their own resume/CV directly onto the website. This would help them with their search for internship/job opportunities by providing interested alumni/recruiters with their experiences without them having to directly message each other beforehand.